ExPress is a cross-platform GUI wrapper for UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables) written in Lazarus and Free Pascal with the following features:
- Drag n Drop (both files and folders)
- Multiple files
- Most used UPX options
- Compressing & decompressing at the same time
- Easy to use
- Supports all platforms supported by Lazarus, Free Pascal, and UPX (Hopefully, I only have Windows & Linux to test)
Express est une GUI cross-plateforme pour UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables).
- Drag n Drop (fichiers et dossiers)
- Sélection multiple
- Utilisé pour les options UPX
- Compression & décompression en même temps
- Facile d’utilisation
- Tout plateforme Lazarus gérée