These notes describe the status of the qxotica tools for creating mobile Web apps with the qooxdoo JavaScript framework.
The tools consist of these parts:
- A package that adds to the Lazarus File | New dialog for creating a qooxdoo JavaScript app that includes a Lazarus project for managing and editing the app’s JavaScript files. This allows you to develop both the JavaScript client app and a Pascal server app with the same IDE.
- A small helper program that allows you to « compile » your qooxdoo app from within Lazarus. This helper program runs the app’s standard script. If detects a JavaScript syntax error, the helper program reformats the error message so that the Lazarus code editor will jump to the JavaScript file and line where the error is located.
- The Unicodum demo app. This is a Unicode viewer consisting of a qooxdoo-based mobile client and a choice of Pascal (FCGI) or PHP server app. This app demonstrates many key qooxdoo features such as mobile UI widgets, CSS styles, data binding, master-detail pages, customizing an app’s config.json file, and more.
qxotica fonctionne avec le framework Javascript qooxdoo.
qooxdoo permet des widgets, des styles CSS, du lien données, des pages maîtres/détails, des arbres JSON, etc.
3 outils :
- Le paquet Lazarus qui permet de créer des applications clientes avec du Javascript
- Un outil d’aide permettant de compiler l’application et de débogguer
- La démonstration Unicodom, avec des Fast CGI en Free Pascal et des serveurs PHP.