Lainz Code Studio is a set of units to extend Lua scripting default objects. Is based on the Autoplay Media Studio ( library. Some functions has slight modifications (i.e don’t allow to use callback functions, at least for now or other parameters stripped).
GitHub page:
Actually the library units (some complete at 100%, some work in progress) that comes with the package are:
* Application
* Crypto
* Debug
* File
* Folder
* INIFile
* Registry
* String
* Table (Table uses default table object and only creates a shortcut to these functions, but implements Table.Count)
* Zip
It uses Lua53 from Lua4Lazarus (
It comes also with a SynEdit Highlighter for Lua (is SynEditHighlighterAny modified).
It comes with a test application to show you how to use it (very small, only type code and run). Is not a text editor, just a demo to run the script.
The wiki is a work in progress and can be found in the project home.
Lainz Code Studio est un jeu d’unités pour étendre le scripting Lua.