TGIFViewer is a visual component for displaying animations at GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) with Free Pascal and Lazarus
Compatibility: Windows, Linux and MacOS
Capabilities of TGIFViewer:
- Loading from a stream, file, or resource (LoadFromStream, LoadFromFile, LoadFromResource functions)
- Extraction of raw images (** DisplayRawFrame function)
- Extraction of pre-calculated images from the animation (DisplayFrame function)
- Display with or without transparency (Transparent)
- Silent management of some badly encoded data to allow the display of images without disturbing the user
- Error handling for poorly compressed files ‘(OnLoadError)
- Center (Center), Resize (Stretch) the display
- Dimension of the automatic component according to the image (AutoSize)
- Evident when playing, stopping or pausing the animation (OnStart, OnPause, OnStop)
- Access to GIF images and information via the Frames.Items property
Composant de visualisation de GIF.