This component is a mix between TTreeView and TListView and can paint a tree whose nodes have additional information sorted in columns.
It has these features:
- It can show a tree together with columns
- The lines can be drawn striped, so lines alternate their background color.
- It can paint dividing lines between rows and columns.
- Each node can get an icon and the user can collapse and expand it.
- The lines can automatically be sorted
- The entries of the columns can be left aligned, right aligned or centered
- The user can move the columns without a change of the indices(only in Lazarus)
- Contains a Mozilla like search bar
- It is indepent of the Windows Common Controls
- It should work on every OS supported by Lazarus (only Debian and Windows tested)
- Works with Delphi (tested with D4 and in an old version also BDS2006) and Lazarus
- There is an example and html documentation
- There is a design time package for Delphi and for Lazarus.
Ce composant est à la fois un TTreeView et un TListView.