TomiNote is a simple note collection tool that supports the following features:
- Directory Tree
- Multiple nodes’ history record
- Dynamic load child nodes (Load child nodes when expanding the node)
- Recycle bin
- Drag and drop node (Need to hold down Ctrl or Alt key)
- Move Left and Move Right the node
- Sort nodes
- Search and Replace in Multiple nodes (In a separate thread)
- Import and Export (File, Directories, Database)
- Auto-Save and Auto-Backup
- Split one node into multiple sub-nodes
- Script (Multiple replace, In a separate thread)
- Full Screen, Full Window, Toggle Control Bar
- Custom Font Name, Font Size, Foreground Color, Background Color
- International language support
For more features, please check the software help information or wiki.
In this version, it is compatible with both Windows and Linux platforms. I did a simple test on ‘Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit’ and ‘Windows 7 64-bit’ and is currently work well.
Note: This program only supports characters in the range of ‘Unicode UCS-2’ (0000 ~ FFFF). If there are characters beyond this range in your database, the function of ‘History’ and ‘Search or Replace’ will be abnormal.
Tominote est un outil de classement de notes.