- ct2laz utility can convert CodeTyphon projects and component packages to Lazarus, and Lazarus projects and component packages to CodeTyphon.
- It can also download zillion component packages and project examples from CodeTyphon web site and execute needed source file transformations to make them compatible with Lazarus. You can use CodeTyphon local files instead of downloaded ones if you prefer that way. Such transformed component packages can be installed into Lazarus, and most of the provided CodeOcean examples should work out of the box. One of the advantages of using CodeTyphon pl_* packages is that many of them are trully cross platform and well tested on each supported platform. Package compatibility info for Win/Lin/BSD/Sol/Mac/GTK2/QT4/QT5/WinCE/x86/x86_64/Arm/Arm64 supported platforms can be found here. Some CodeTyphon packages will only work with trunk versions of FPC and Lazarus.
ct2laz peut convertir des projets de Code Typhon vers Lazarus et vice et versa. Il peut aussi télécharger des paquets.