LMath library (further development of DMath from Jean Debord).
Here are most important changes.
- Naming of packages and units made more systematic. Now names of all units begin from u (for example, uTypes), while names of all packages begin from lm (for example, lmMathUtil). Hence, you will probably change Requirements in your project inspector.
- Units uVectorHelper, uVecUtils, uVecFunc and uVecPrn in lmMathUtil package define several handy functions for work with arrays.
- Unit uMatrix in lmLineAlgebra defines several general operations over vectors and matrices.
- COBYLA algorithm (Constrained Optimization by Linear Approximation, M. Powell) for tasks of constrained optimization included in lmOptimum package, unit uCobyla.
- Procedure for constrained non-linear regression ConstrNLFit in the unit uConstrLNFit which uses COBYLA algorithm included in lmRegression package.
- Procedure LinProgSolve in the unit uLinSimplex, package lmOptimum implements simplex method for solution of linear programming problems.
- Unit uintPoints in lmGenMath package defines operators over TIntPoint, similar to uRealPoints.
- Unit uUnitsFormat in lmMathUtils package allows now using of long prefixes (for example, ‘pico’) along with short (‘p’) ones.
Version Lazarus de Dmath