Project consists of 3 packages and they are meant to ease development using SDL2 in Lazarus.
* LazSDL2 – contains SDL2 method and type implementations.
* LazSDLExtensions – contains objects which wraps around LazSDL2 package to help developing using SDL2.
* LazSDL2Design – integration with Lazarus IDE.
Project requires Lazarus 1.6 + FPC 3.0.0 or higher.
Instructions on how to set up Lazarus + FPC can be found here
Instructions on how to configure LazSDL2Design package in Lazarus can be found here
To download source code for LazSDL2 package – go to download page.
Le projet consiste en 3 paquets pour faciliter le développement en utilisant SDL 2 dans Lazarus.
* LazSDL2 – contient les méthodes SDL2 et les implémentations de types.
* LazSDLExtensions – contient les objets qui se lient à LazSDL2 pour aider le développement de SDL2.
* LazSDL2Design – intégration avec Lazarus IDE.
Le projet nécessite Lazarus 1.6 + FPC 3.0.0 ou plus.
Instructions on how to set up Lazarus + FPC can be found here
Instructions on how to configure LazSDL2Design package in Lazarus can be found here
To download source code for LazSDL2 package – go to download page.