ScroogeXHTML for Delphi(tm) and Free Pascal converts text attributes including background and highlight colors, paragraph attributes including alignment (left, right, centered, justified) and paragraph indent (left, right, first line) and simple numbered or unnumbered lists. Unicode conversion allows multi-language documents, including simplified and traditional Chinese, Korean and Japanese. CSS and default font settings help to create optimized documents. Supported document types are: XHTML 1.0 Strict and Transitional, XHTML Basic 1.0, XHTML Mobile Profile 1.0 (a.k.a WAP 2.0), HTML 4.01 Strict and Transitional, and HTML5 (draft). ScroogeXHTML is also available for the Java(tm) platform.
Supported document types are:
- XHTML 1.0 Strict and Transitional
- XHTML 1.1
- XHTML Basic 1.0
- XHTML Mobile Profile 1.0
- HTML 4.01 Strict and Transitional
ScroogeXHTML is also available for the Java(tm) platform.
Scrooge HTML convertit du RTF vers ces documents :
- XHTML 1.0 Strict and Transitional
- XHTML 1.1
- XHTML Basic 1.0
- XHTML Mobile Profile 1.0
- HTML 4.01 Strict and Transitional